Mission: Vet School Application

Wes Reever

Wes Reever (animal science) has been around animals his whole life, even showing animals on the circuit. The only career path he ever had in his mind was to be a veterinarian, more specifically a large animal veterinarian. Having that path in mind helped direct activities and courses at Iowa State which would make him a quality applicant to vet school.

As a student, Wes took care to get good grades in the courses outlined as requirements for vet school. But he didn’t stop there, he gained service and leadership experience as a member of CALS Council and as a fraternity member; he gained extra experience with animals in class and participating in clubs related to his career ambitions. Next stop for Wes, vet school!

In the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Iowa State, majors like animal science, agricultural studies, and biology, provide opportunities to take species specific courses in domesticated animals in addition to the courses required by vet schools for admission.